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Do you want to know the latest trends in green jobs in the city?

In this meeting you will be able to get up to date as well as express your needs and propose solutions to face the challenge of green transition employment.

The Chair of Urban Energy Transition of the city of Valencia and the working group on green employment of the city council of Valencia (IVE, Labora, UGT, Valencia Activa, Las Naves, Valencia Clima i Energia, UPV, KVeloce) pursue several objectives with this event: present the results of the first study on green employment in the city, present initiatives to promote green employment and discuss the challenges and the future of green employment in the city.

This May 30, from 13:30 to 18:30, we will have a wide range of attendees from the beginning of the event, including the round table:

Carla Montagud-Montalvá, Director of the Chair of Urban Energy Transition and Deputy Director of Sustainable Development at the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).
Joaquín Longares Penadés, Iberdrola’s commercial delegate in the Valencia Region and Murcia.
Rosa Maria López Pérez, General Subdirectorate of Personal Training for Labora. Valencian Employment and Training Service.
Mari Carmen Martin Lloris, Head of the Employment Area of the Comunitat Valenciana NGO Cesal.
Rafael Castillo Devis, President of ASELEC, Association of Electrical Installations, Telecommunications and Renewable Energy Companies of Valencia.
Bruno Sauer, CEO of Green Building Council España.
Mireia Ballester, Project Manager BECSA.
Teresa García Muñoz, Neitin Sostenibilitat 360, Valencian cooperative.


13:30 – 15:00: LUNCH – NETWORKING

15:00 – 15:30: WELCOME

– Carlos Mundina, Councillor of Climate Improvement, Valencia City Council

– Ángel Ortiz, Director of the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering UPV

– Carmina Gil, Head of the Integrated Employment Service UPV

– José Luis Alapont, Director of the Green Transition Area UPV

– Carla Montagud, Director of the Urban Energy Transition Chair UPV

15:30 – 16:00: State of Green employment in the city of Valencia

Introduction of the green employment group, Alba Matamoros, KVeloce

Presentation of the study on green employment in the city of Valencia. Imedes Institute


Elisa Peñalvo, Carla Montagud, UPV. Innovating in training for green jobs
Joaquín Longares, IBERDROLA, The Global Green Employment Portal
Rosa Maria López Pérez, LABORA , Fórmate en verde con LABORA: iniciativas formativas para las empresas y sus empleados’.
Mª Carmen Martin Lloris. Head of Employment Department, Comunidad Valenciana CESAL. Green insertion programmes for photovoltaic solar installations.

Moderator: Maria Horness Valencia Activa

17:00 – 17:30 : COFFEE-BREAK

17:30 – 18:30: Round table: challenges and future of green employment

Rafael Castillo, ASELEC, Asociación de Empresas de Instalaciones Eléctricas, Telecomunicaciones y Energías Renovables de Valencia (Association of Electrical Installations, Telecommunications and Renewable Energy Companies of Valencia)
Bruno Sauer, Green Building Council Spain
Mireia Ballester, BECSA Group
Teresa García Muñoz, Cooperativa Neitin


Make the main training and employment agents of the Valencian Community and the city of Valencia listen to your needs and possible solutions.


Don’t miss it this May 30th from 13:30H to 18:30H in the Assembly Hall of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). 📍

Register your attendance here: 👇