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First Green Employment Forum in Valencia.

It has been an enriching experience, where companies, NGOs, associations and different organisations have shared their initiatives to promote green employment and combat the challenges and future of green employment in the city.

The Chair of Urban Energy Transition of the city of Valencia and the working group on green jobs of the city of Valencia (València Activa, UGT Unión General de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores, Las Naves Centre d’Innovació, València Clima i Energia, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Kveloce) have presented the results of the first study on green jobs in the city.

Undoubtedly, it has been an interesting conference in which the results of the first study on green employment 2024 in Valencia have been presented, which has given rise to an incredible debate and an unparalleled round table.

The Chair would like to thank all those who participated in the event and contributed to making it a space for learning and progress:

Carla Montagud-Montalvá, Director of the Chair of Urban Energy Transition and Deputy Director of Sustainable Development at the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).
Joaquín Longares Penadés, Iberdrola’s commercial delegate in the Valencia Region and Murcia.
Rosa Maria López Pérez, Subdirección General de Formación Personal para Labora. Valencian Employment and Training Service.
Mari Carmen Martin Lloris, Head of the Employment Area of the Comunitat Valenciana NGO Cesal.
Rafael Castillo Devis, President of ASELEC, Association of Electrical Installations, Telecommunications and Renewable Energy Companies of Valencia.
Bruno Sauer, CEO of Green Building Council España.
Mireia Ballester, Project Manager BECSA.
Teresa García Muñoz, Neitin Sostenibilitat 360, Valencian cooperative.

We would also like to thank the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) for providing the space for this forum and making it possible for all of us to meet here.