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Registration for the conference:

On Wednesday 25th October 2023 we are organising the conference ‘The UPV in the mission of climate-neutral cities’
The conference will present the state of the art and the initiatives of the UPV that are contributing to the mission of a climate-neutral Valencia by 2030

Free attendance, with prior registration: On 25 October 2023, we will hold the open day ‘The UPV in the mission of climate-neutral cities’. The background to the day is the European mission for a climate-neutral Valencia in 2030. The conference is organised by the UPV Chair of Urban Energy Transition and is part of the UPV-city and UPV Living Lab binomial. The conference will present the technical work of the UPV and other Spanish universities for the energy transition and towards climate neutrality in cities. Topics such as positive energy districts, mapping solar resources in cities, modelling energy communities and innovation in the fight against energy poverty will be discussed. The conference will take place in the auditorium of the UPV’s Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering. The programme for the day is shown below (it may be subject to last-minute changes).