- On Thursday 27th and Friday 28th October, the open conference ‘The UPV-City alliance for the Valencia 2030 Climate Mission’ will be held
- The first day will deal with the role of the UPV and other Spanish universities in the university-city binomials for the urban energy transition
- The second day will address the role of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Valencia in the Mission towards climate neutrality that the city of Valencia has approved.
- Free attendance, with prior registration: https://bit.ly/3fC45Ln
We are forging the generation of researchers who will decarbonise Spanish cities.
On 27 and 28 October 2022, the UPV will host the open conference ‘The UPV-city alliance for the Valencia 2030 Climate Mission’. The conference is co-organised by the UPV Chair of Urban Energy Transition and the Vice-Rectorate for Sustainable Development of the Campuses.
The background to the conference is the university-city binomials that are being deployed by the seven Spanish cities participating in the European Mission of Cities towards climate neutrality, including Valencia.
On the first day, the technical work of the UPV and other Spanish universities for the energy transition of their cities towards climate neutrality will be presented. Elements such as positive energy districts, solar resource mapping in cities, energy community modelling and innovation in the fight against energy poverty will be discussed. The conference will conclude with the presentation of the proposal for the energy transition of the Campanar neighbourhood by the winning team of the Smart & Sustainable Valencia 2030 programme, the result of collaboration between the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, the Chair of Urban Energy Transition and the City Council of Valencia. The conference on Thursday 27 October will take place in the auditorium of the Red Cube at the Polytechnic City of Innovation.
The second day will present the most recent advances in the UPV-Valencia and UV-Valencia binomials for the Valencia 2030 Climate Mission. The conference will present the actions that the UPV and the UV are deploying in their respective university-city binomials. On the UPV side, the progress made in the UPV Living Lab since its launch in October last year will be presented. The conference on Friday 28th will be held in the Aula Magna of the School of Architecture.
THURSDAY 27 OCTOBER – Assembly Hall of the Cubo Rojo, Polytechnic City of Innovation UPV
9:00 Institutional welcome
Pedro Fresco. General Director of Ecological Transition of the Generalitat Valenciana
José Villalba. Head of the Climate Emergency and Energy Transition Service of the Valencia City Council
Carla Montagud. Director of the Chair of Urban Energy Transition UPV
9:45 Keynote: ‘Building alliances for climate neutrality’
Guillermo Palau. INGENIO Institute CSIC-UPV
Jaime Moreno. Viable Cities and UPM
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Round table: The university researches for the energy transition of cities
Ignacio García. Public University of Navarre
Jon Terés. University of the Basque Country
José María Yusta. University of Zaragoza
Carmen Sánchez-Guevara. Technical University of Madrid
Tomás Gómez. Technical University of Valencia
12:30 Studies by the UPV for the Fair and Inclusive Energy Transition Strategy of Valencia
Presentation of the Strategy and the projects that develop it. Corentin Girard. Valencia Climate and Energy Foundation. Victoria Pellicer. Las Naves.
‘Mapping the carbon footprint in districts and neighbourhoods of Valencia‘. Mireia Roncero and Lucas Martínez. Chair of Urban Energy Transition UPV
‘Methodology for estimating the decarbonisation potential of neighbourhoods: the case of Benicalap, Valencia’. Carlos Vargas. Institute of Energy Engineering
‘Modelling and optimisation of local energy communities’. Álvaro Manso. Chair of Urban Energy Transition, UPV
1:30 p.m. Event with the KTH students who won the KTH Stockholm-Valencia City Council programme ’Smart & Sustainable Valencia 2030’
FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER – Main Hall, School of Architecture, UPV
9:30 Institutional welcome
Celsa Monrós. General Director of Climate Change, Valencian Regional Government
Salvador Coll. Vice-rector for Innovation and Transfer, UPV
Pilar Serra. Vice-rector for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Living, UV
Iván Cabrera. Director of the School of Architecture
Carla Montagud. Director of the Chair of Urban Energy Transition at the UPV
10:00 Keynote #1: “The Sustainable Campus – Designing universities as if it is 2050 today’
Andy van den Dobbelsteen. Sustainability Coordinator TU Delft
10:30 Keynote #2: ‘The living lab approach to innovation and co-creation – a place, a method and a model for partnership’
Per Lundqvist. Vice-Rector for Sustainability, KTH
11:15 Coffee break
12:00 Examples of initiatives by the university-city binomials at the UPV and the UV
University of Valencia | Fair trade and local trade. Public procurement
University of Valencia | Improving urban green infrastructure to promote high-quality biodiversity
Polytechnic University of Valencia | The Polytechnic University of Valencia in scenarios of climate neutrality
Polytechnic University of Valencia | The Great Survey on actions to decarbonise the Polytechnic University of Valencia
Polytechnic University of Valencia | Living Lab ETSII 5N
13:30 Launch of the call for projects from the Living Lab UPV
José Luis Alapont. Director of the Green Transition Area UPV
Attendance at the conferences is open to anyone interested and is free of charge, but registration is required due to limited capacity.
Registration is through the Continuing Education Centre: https://bit.ly/3fC45Ln