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Series of seminars Innovation, Technology and Transitions to Sustainability 2021

The series of seminars on Technology, Innovation and Transitions to Sustainability, organised by the UPV-Las Naves Chair of Urban Energy Transition and the CSIC-UPV Ingenio Institute, begins on 18 February.

The series will consist of 4 seminars, and will be entirely in virtual format.

The programme is as follows:

18 February: ‘An optimal roadmap for decarbonising the European and Spanish energy sector by 2050’. Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera, Director of Climate Change at Iberdrola.

11 March: ‘The self-sufficient city’. Vicente Guallart, Principal of Guallart Architects, Founder of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Director of Valldaura Labs.

8 April: ‘The challenge of urban infrastructure in the age of climate change’. Vanesa Castán Broto, Professor of Climate Urbanism at the University of Sheffield.

29 April: ‘Health and climate change’. Aline Chiabai, Researcher at the Basque Centre for Climate Change.

The seminars will address the direction of the energy transition and the changes it will bring about in cities.

All seminars will take place at 12:00 (Spanish mainland time).

Registration is at: